Monday, July 20, 2009

You Can Beat Credit Card Debt by Erasing 50% of Your Debts!

By Scott Chaflin

Would you like to have the debt that you keep paying to credit card companies legally removed? A huge number of people in America are living with over $10,000 in past balances on their credit cards, and unfortunately, 95% of these people will be bankrupt in the next 2 to 3 years because the debt will keep piling up because of the interest.

It is no surprise that credit companies keep you in the dark when it comes to the options available to you to erase some of the money you owe them, but there are things you can do.

Fact: Credit cards are debt traps.
Fact: Many Americans have been kept in the dark about their options for erasing their debt.
Fact: 95% of all bankruptcies are caused by credit-card debt.

$1000.00 will take over 20 years to pay off

Did you know a simple $1000.00 charge will take over 20 years to pay off if you only pay the minimum payment? Unfortunately, this is true and CC companies do not share these facts because they do not mind forcing you into bankruptcy and stealing everything Americans own through their interest fees.

We have seen 25 year olds over $25,000 in debt, and many of these people will have to file for bankruptcy in the next 2-5 years. There is no reason to stay in debt when you do not have too as many private companies are staring to release free information that can help any consumer erase half of their debt so they can take more guilt free vacations without having to worry about another phone call or letter from their creditor again.

Every American who has a past due balance should check for free to see if they can get their debt erased so you can move on with your life and forget about paying your CC company all of your earnings.

I have found this resource to help you reduce your debt by 50%. They are a reputable and safe company to work with.There is no charge for them to help you.

The have put information together that can give you little known tips to get out of debt and tactics to get your debt erased by 50%. There is no charge, all you have to do is enter your email address.

To read this information and find out how much money you get get erased, Click Here.

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