Tuesday, October 6, 2009

You Need a Real Estate Investment Guide

RealEstateInvestors.TV screenshotImage by Casey Serin via Flickr

You Need a Real Estate
Investment Guide

Here is a real estate investment guide that out lines various ways that you may not have thought of to get started in the profitable field of property investing.

Jeanette J. Fisher

Get Started Investing In Real Estate

You can start where you are right now and build wealth one property at a time.

You can build and reap the huge rewards available.
You need to begin with a plan.

Here are some ways to get started investingin real estate. Choose a plan that works for you.

If you don't currently own your own home, that's the best placeto start. Many people never buy a home because they think theyhave to have perfect credit or a lot of money down. Talk to amortgage loan officer. You may be surprised that you can buy ahome with little money down.

If You are a Homeowner You Are a Real Estate Investor

Whether home owners want to stay in their home for life or justa few years, their home should make them money. Many familiesonly own one home at a time, but they keep moving up. Some ofthese families have made money from their homes by taking outthe equity to pay bills.

Other families bought more expensivehomes, which went up in value more than the first home. Forinstance, a family bought a home for $105,000, sold the home for$230,000 and then bought a home for $300,000. The more expensivehome went up in value the next year more than the first home.You can build your real estate wealth just by owning one home.

However, if you split your mortgage payments with other people,you don't have to pay for all this equity on your own. Yourtenants will help you make the payments and over time canactually buy the property for you!

How to Begin Real Estate Investing

Many investors start with a home to live in and then save moneyfor a down payment for their first investment property. Here aresome ways to skip the savings years, which most people neveraccomplish:
  1. Refinance. - If your home has gone up in value, refinance your home and use the equity for a down payment on an investment house. You must have sufficient monthly income to pay any negative between the rental income and the new mortgage payment. Some home owners have been able to purchase more than oneinvestment house from one refinance transaction.

  2. Move - Another way beginning real estate investors get theirfirst investment is to buy a new home and rent out their firsthome. If you have great credit, you don't need to put a downpayment into a new home to live in.

  3. Sell and Move - You can sell your home and buy two houses. Useyour equity to put more down on the investment house than yourpersonal home.

  4. Buy a vacation or second home - Our cabin tripled in value inthree years. We refinanced the cabin to buy more houses and alsokept funds to pay for the mortgage, twice. The cabin pays us toenjoy it!

About the author: Jeanette Fisher

Jeanette Fisher teaches how to find, finance, fix and sell. Free ebooks - Jeanette Fisher

See Jeanette's sites -
Credit Tips

Flipping Houses

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